ENG | Online learning on SoccerCoachesHub

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To be a football coach is not an easy job. And it really doesn’t matter on which level your team play. You don’t only need to sustain a big pressure to deliver good results (in most cases good is not good enough) but you must continuously increase your knowledge and follow the trends. And the most important – you have to periodically renew your licence. And that’s the time our platform is coming to help. Until now the only way coaches from lot of countries can gain hours/credits for licence renewal only on live events.

But requirements of modern times and the explosive development of the game show us that it is necessary to modernise the process of gaining new knowledge. And voilá, there is a time for online learning and our platform. Maybe you will argue that football should be taught and learned on the pitch, during the live seminars. OK, fair enough, this is also true. But, do you have so much time to spent to attend so many live events? Do you have time to travel to different locations and stay there for few days? Can you skip parts of seminars that you are not interested in by clicking a mouse?

And what are the main advantages of online learning? Below I have summarised few of them.

Simplicity and availability

The main advantage is availability. Whenever and wherever you decide you can attend online course. The only thing you need is internet connection. OK, you will need at least a smartphone with you. But who doesn’t carry one even to the toilet? 🙂 The other advantage is its simplicity. You really only need to create an account on our platform and you can enroll to any course. You will pay by your card and your desired courses are available to you instantly. Can it be any simplier and more comfortable?

Knowledge and solutions just when you need them

An unbreakable advantage of online learning and online courses is a possibility to retake them or return to their parts whenever you need it. Let’s say you run into a situation you don’t know how to handle during the training process but you know that problem has been solved in one of your online courses (but you really don’t remember it all). What will you do? You will open the course, find an specific lesson or topic and watch it as many times as you need to get all the answers. And now think – will this be possible with live seminar? Honestly, on live seminar, you will forget 75% of content on the day you return back home.

Learning process under the control

With our platform you have all your online courses in one place, so you can see whole path of your learning process. You can return anytime to courses you are enrolled to. And during the courses you can evaluate whether you get the most out from the course by taking an exam. All our authors/instructors make exams as last part of their courses to be sure you understand the topic, you know what is the most important and you remember the key information.

Wide range of information

On our platform you can take courses from different fields of training and different professions within a football. There are information for head and assistant coaches, for fitness coaches, physios, etc. We are trying to continuously add more and more content in different languages and to create strong and wide database of football knowledge.

Strong base for your training

Improvement of your skills is strongest through the experience on the field. But before you can try new skills on the pitch you have to learn them from somewhere. And where to learn most recent data and the most important where to learn them in deep? In online learning you can achieve all that. You can create strong base for your actions with the team on the pitch.

No travelling needed

I am not saying that online learning can fully replace live seminars with top professionals from top teams/clubs/associations. The most important thing you are missing in online learning is networking. People you meet on live meetings can help you become even better.


Do you have time to travel and few days to spent on such events? Especially during the season? I think most of us, football coaches, will answer this question no. And is it enough to develop our knowledge and skills only off season? I really don’t think so. Coaches development is very difficult and continuous process that takes place during whole year. And the most important tasks coaches need to handle with are during the season – and the best place to find answers and solutions is online. So what advantages our platform provides to coaches?

  • Coach himself pick the course and topic he is interested in.
  • Coach will study those courses when he wants, needs or has time to do so.
  • Coach can watch the course as many times as he wants or needs.
  • Coach progresses at his/her own pace.
  • Coach doesn’t need to travel anywhere. He/she can be learning from anywhere. Even on the holiday.
  • Coach can contact the course author and consult with him/her.
  • Coach can join other members in forums or personally via direct messages.

Source of passive income for instructors

I have spoken only about the advantages for coaches until now. But also those of you who want to become instructors and are dare to publish your courses on our platform will benefit from our website. Our business scope is transparent and is fully customised to make all sides happy. We are running win-win-win business where coaches benefit from the content on the platform – courses, forums, articles, job opportunities (1st win), instructors benefit from publishing and selling their courses on our platform (2nd win) and we are happy that we make all our customers happy and have a small share from it (3rd win). And there can be one or two more win in that equation – for football associations and clubs. You can bet they are happy that their most important people are getting smarter and smarter, for the fraction of the price, with the most recent information.

In all fields the online learning became the necessity. Information flies around the world today. What was relevant yesterday is not relevant today. There are thousands of scientists and professionals in all fields who are trying to analyse and make better every single part of every process, not excluding football. So how to get the most recent info if not from the online sphere?

We are very happy that you can make this journey full of knowledge and new information with us through our platform. We hope that you will always find relevant topic and information you need.

We wish you success and good luck. Let’s start to make a progress together!

Do you want to publish your courses or articles on our platform? Please contact us on info@soccercoacheshub.com. We will be happy to start new cooperation.

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