ENG | Marcelo Bielsa – Tactical Profile

Marcelo Bielsa - tactical profile, Radoslaw Bella, E-book, SoccerCoachesHub.com

We offer you a chance to read and download an e-book in six different languages that we’ve decided to share with you along with our instructor, Radoslaw Bella. Radoslaw is an active coach, and this book is the result of his own learning process. This e-book serves as an introduction to the course that Radoslaw is preparing for you. The course will also delve into the same topic, where through practical examples, Radoslaw will provide a detailed insight into his analyses and tactical principles that Marcelo Bielsa employs as part of his coaching philosophy. Radoslaw has additional course topics prepared, which he will gradually create and share on our platform, so stay with us to get to know once his courses are online.

see profile of Radoslaw

And what does the author himself say about his e-book?

The 18 months of work translated into approx. 155 pages, over 20 000 words and 500 pictures that were supposed to help understand Marcelo Bielsa – tactical genius. Everything I wrote down I tried to describe in football language. I didn’t want the e-book to become scientific work, because I never forgot Vitor Frade maxim: „Football has got too much game to become a science. However, it has also got so much science, not to be consider just a game. I didn’t want to look at the games from the analyst point of view because it’s not my job. The quoted situations and numbers are only a reflection of concepts and statistics in the tactical context of the game. I also have no ambition for my passion for football to start and end with computer because Coach’s place is on the pitch. 

My main goal was to get to know and discover all the possible details that could help in the development of my teams and players in future. I hope that you will also find them useful, because I believe that better coaches = better players. After many hours spent of analyzing Marcelo Bielsa, I came to the conclusion that it was a very hard, but truly developing platform to learn. In my opinion people learn new and the most important things through hardship. What I understood, I tried to describe. What I didn’t understand, I subject to further analysis. However, I do not want to be a servant of the ideas of „El Loco”, because only when the ideas become part of the coach, can’t they become engaging and contagious. I wish everyone many conclusions and doubts. 

Read the e-book (choose the language)

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