ENG | Cooperation with Slovak Football Association


We are very proud to announce that we have made a deal with Slovak Football Association (SFA). The main part of the deal covers the cooperation in education of football coaches. SFA will now be able to publish online content for coaches on our platform and its dedicated Slovak version.

Slovenský futbalový zväz logo
source: https://www.futbalsfz.sk/

Why Slovak Football Association wants cooperation with us?

Until now the only way coaches from Slovakia can gain hours/credits for licence renewal was on live events. Covid-19 situation has shown that it has to change. Our Slovak version of the platform was alive even before pandemic starts, but not many people and organisations were interested. But Covid-19 has changed everything. In one moment people realised that they need not only to update their licence but gain some new knowledge, too.

As a result we have agreed a deal with Technical department of Slovak Football Association that they will use our platform as a space for continuous learning of their coaches and any other instructor with relevant topic can also publish his/her own course and they will accept it as a credit for licence renewal purposes.
And the best part of it is that Slovak Football Association pays nothing for it. It is completely free. The even earn money on it! Really they do! We do not charge for publishing courses. We take share from every sold course. But also SFA has its share and the author of the course as well.

Isn’t it great?!

Your FA or club can use our platform too

Do you like the way how we cooperate with Slovak Football Association? Do you see similar opportunity for your FA or your football club? Do note hesitate, contact us, we will serve everyone and every organisation. We can even make dedicated or hidden parts of the platform for different organisations. Simply we will do our best to serve you the way you wish to be served.

Contact email: info@soccercoacheshub.ew1.rapydapps.cloud
Contact phone (call, WhatsApp, Signal, Viber): +421 902 453 306

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